Case Reports: A Meaningful Way for Massage Practice to Inform Research and Education

  • Niki Munk, PhD, LMT Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Keywords: scientific writing help, negative results, practice informing research, practice informing education


Practice-induced challenges to massage research and education include those related to disparate training standards, requirements, and expectations across the US, North America, and internationally. These challenges should not overshadow the need for practice to inform research and education, especially in light of the move towards effectiveness research. What remains constantly applicable to massage practitioners of all locations and from all backgrounds are treatment details regarding the techniques used, client/patient characteristics, condition/issue of complaint, provider and client/patient expectations, and outcomes. Case reports provide a venue for this information to be shared across all practitioners, educators, and researchers. While many massage practitioners are not trained in scientific writing, preparing and publishing a case report need not be daunting, especially with writing partners when writing burden can be shared. Writing in isolation can be challenging, even for trained researchers. Perceived practitioner contribution and credit are not reduced when authorship in a manuscript is shared; rather it may be enhanced with an experienced partner.

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How to Cite
Munk, PhD, LMT, N. (2013). Case Reports: A Meaningful Way for Massage Practice to Inform Research and Education. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork Research Education &Amp; Practice, 6(3), 3–5.