The Greater Value of the CONSORT Statement Guidelines: Guideposts for Designing and Reporting all TMB Research
CONSORT, massage, guideline, editorial
The IJTMB recommends the use of the CONSORT Statement (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) guidelines for the reporting of randomized, controlled clinical trials (RCTs). A careful review of the guidelines shows important applications of these guidelines to all types of research reporting and design, not just RCTs. There is an Extension to these guidelines specific to non-pharmacologic interventions, including manually applied therapies and complementary medicine, and thus therapeutic massage and bodywork (TMB). Components of the Extension are thus relevant to publication in the IJTMB and should be considered part of standard reporting. As well, while the goals of the CONSORT Statement guidelines are to improve reporting of RCTs, the issues raised in the guidelines and explanatory document are relevant to all forms of TMB research and should be considered in all TMB research manuscripts. Finally, while not their purpose, the guidelines could also be used as an informal checklist when developing robust TMB research.Downloads the last 12 months
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How to Cite
Porcino, BSc, PhD, A. (2012). The Greater Value of the CONSORT Statement Guidelines: Guideposts for Designing and Reporting all TMB Research. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork Research Education &Amp; Practice, 5(4), 1–2.