Call for Papers: Special IJTMB Issue on Mental Health and Manual Therapies


Massage therapy is an integrative treatment, which includes a variety of techniques to help the body manage both physical and emotional conditions. Emerging research is showing that massage may play a role in managing symptoms of mental health health disorders and mood conditions, but more scientific evidence is needed to support its use. In addition, massage therapy and bodywork could serve as a valuable treatment to prevent adverse mental health reactions and contribute to optimal well-being. Therefore, this special issue on mental health and massage and bodywork will showcase the potential for massage to impact the management and care of mental health conditions as well as quality of life and wellness.

The International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (IJTMB)  is a quarterly open access, peer-reviewed publication intended to accommodate the diverse needs of the rapidly-expanding therapeutic massage and bodywork community.

Read more about the submission requirements here.