International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (IJTMB): A Third-Year Retrospective Reflecting Google Analytics and Open Journal System Sources

Glenn M. Hymel , EdD, LMT, Executive Editor, IJTMB
Professor and Former Chair, Department of Psychological Sciences, Loyola University, New Orleans, LA, USA.

KEYWORDS: Massage research , massage education , massage practice , open-access publishing , Open Journal Systems , Google Analytics , journal webstats , journal statistics , CIM research , fascia research , bodywork research , clinical reasoning , health care taxonomy , PubMed Central , Quertle , outbound reference linking , CrossRef , editorial board succession

The third-year mark since the launch of the inaugural issue of the International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (IJTMB) occurred on August 20, 2011. During that 3-year period, 12 issues of the journal were published spanning the follow dates: August and December 2008; March, June, September, and December 2009 and 2010; and March and June 2011. This editorial continues the practice established in September 2009 and 2010 of identifying information sources and pertinent data that profile the journal’s progress and presumed impact thus far.

The principal data source is still the IJTMB’s Google Analytics web statistics site, accessible to interested colleagues through either the hyperlink just cited or In either case, once the Access Analytics option is activated, the complete database can be examined by entering (username) and ijtmbstats (password). Various sectors of this database provide information such as the extent of site usage, a visitor overview, a traffic sources overview, a map overlay with visitors’ countries ordered by rank, a content overview, new and returning visitors, visitor loyalty, and keywords used in accessing the journal. For understanding certain terminology specific to the Google Analytics reporting format, the Glossary, available through a standard Help option while navigating the site, is particularly useful.

Table 1 displays several selected excerpts from the IJTMB’s Google Analytics database specific to the August 20-to-August 20 periods ending in 2009, 2010, and 2011. For each of these three time frames, the table highlights the top 10 ranked countries in terms of number of visitors; however, it is of particular note that colleagues who have visited the IJTMB’s site represent as many as 151 countries. This statistic alone gives encouraging testimony to one of the major objectives of immediate, open-access scholarly publishing—namely, the expansive availability of a professional resource that might otherwise be quite limited because of any one or a combination of financial, political, geographic, and logistical constraints.

A second important data source that provides valuable information regarding the progress of the IJTMB is the Statistics sector of the journal’s own website. This feature is a component of the Open Journal Systems software used by the IJTMB and acknowledged in the journal’s very first editorial ( Hymel(1)) as part of Canada’s Public Knowledge Project. Although pertinent information from this database is readily accessible to readers through the About the Journal option at the top of the home page, the journal’s editorial board will periodically highlight certain statistics for the readership. Relevant data provided on anannual basis include the number of issues and items published; the total number of manuscripts submitted; the submissions that have been peerreviewed, accepted, declined, and resubmitted; the days to review; the days to publication; and the number of registered users and readers. Table 2 shows the aforementioned categories of data spanning the IJTMB’s 12 issues published through and including June 2011.

Although not publicly accessible, another information source available for periodic dissemination to the journal’s readership is the number of views per entry in each issue of the IJTMB. These data span not only articles per se appearing in the journal, but also editorials and entries in the Commentaries and News/Announcements sections. In the context of the 12 journal issues published through June 2011, Table 3(211) displays—as of September 8, 2011—the 10 most frequently viewed IJTMB articles since the journal’s inaugural issue in August 2008. Of particular note is the article by Zalta(2)—the Massage Therapy Foundation’s 2007 Practitioner Case Report Contest Gold Award Winner—that has elicited by far the most views with 21,142 counts. Also of interest in this top-10 listing is the inclusion of three entries related to the 2009 Fascia Research Congress held in Amsterdam: Minasny(3), van der Wal(4), and Findley(5). And garnering “hits” in the approximate range of 6,500 to 5,000 are articles that focused on the Massage Therapy Foundation’s Best Practices Committee efforts to formulate massage therapy guidelines ( Grant et al.(6)), clinical reasoning in massage therapy ( LeMoon(7)), qualitative research as a viable methodological option in the study of massage therapy ( Kania et al.(8)), and a taxonomy for integrating both complementary and biomedical health care practices ( Porcino and MacDougall(9)).

Table 1  Year-Over-Year Web Statistics from Google Analytics for the International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork


Table 2  Publication-Year Statistics from Open Journal Systems for the International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork


Table 3  Ten Most Frequently Viewed International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork Articles Since Inaugural Issue in August 2008


Several data-based trends and experientially informed conclusions can be identified. Among the most important—from a formative evaluation perspective, and against the backdrop of the journal’s third anniversary reached on August 20, 2011—are the following six:

With a prospective view to the future, the IJTMB will once again serve as one of two principal publishing venues—in tandem with the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies —for the Third International Fascia Research Congress scheduled for Vancouver on March 28–30, 2012. In a similar manner, both journals are preparing to provide comparable publishing options for participants at the Massage Therapy Foundation’s 2013 International Massage Therapy Research Conference scheduled for Boston on April 25–27, 2013.

The IJTMB’s progress during its first three years as reported in this retrospective editorial should provide an encouraging base from which to accelerate the journal’s impact among colleagues involved in the research, education, and practice aspects of the massage and bodywork professions. Your continued involvement with the journal is critical whether it be in terms of contributing author, respondent to journal entries, or readership. Your input in whatever form is strategic to our assessing not only the journal’s successes, but also those areas needing improvement.


1  Hymel GM. From the executive editor’s perspective. Int J Ther Massage Bodywork . 2008;1(1):1–2. Published August 20, 2008. Accessed September 8, 2011.

2  Zalta J. Massage protocol for post-anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction patellofemoral pain syndrome: a case report. Int J Ther Massage Bodywork . 2008;1(2):11–21. Published December 15, 2008. Accessed September 8, 2011.

3  Minasny B. Understanding the process of fascial unwinding. Int J Ther Massage Bodywork. 2009;2(3):10–17. Published September 23, 2009. Accessed September 8, 2011.

4  van der Wal J. The architecture of the connective tissue in the musculoskeletal system: an often overlooked functional parameter as to proprioception in the locomotor apparatus. Int J Ther Massage Bodywork . 2009;2(4):9–23. Published December 7, 2009. Accessed September 8, 2011.

5  Findley T. Fascia research II: Second International Fascia Research Congress. Int J Ther Massage Bodywork. 2009;2(3):4–9. Published September 23, 2009. Accessed September 8, 2011.

6  Grant KE, Balletto J, Gowan-Moody D, et al. Steps toward massage therapy guidelines: a first report to the profession. Int J Ther Massage Bodywork . 2008;1(1):19–36. Published August 20, 2008. Accessed September 8, 2011.

7  LeMoon K. Clinical reasoning in massage therapy. Int J Ther Massage Bodywork. 2008;1(1):12–18. Published August 20, 2008. Accessed September 8, 2011.

8  Kania A, Porcino A, Vehoef MJ. Value of qualitative research in the study of massage therapy. Int J Ther Massage Bodywork . 2008;1(2):6–10. Published December 15, 2008. Accessed September 8, 2011.

9  Porcino A, MacDougall C. The integrated taxonomy of health care:classifying both complementary and biomedical practices using a uniform classification protocol. Int J Ther Massage Bodywork . 2009;2(3):18–30. Published September 23, 2009. Accessed September 8, 2011.

10  Adams R, White B, Beckett C. The effects of massage therapy on pain management in the acute care setting. Int J Ther Massage Bodywork . 2010;3(1):4–11. Published March 17, 2010. Accessed September 8, 2011.

11  Moyer CA. Affective massage therapy. Int J Ther Massage Bodywork . 2008;1(2):3–5. Published December 15, 2008. Accessed September 8, 2011.

12  Hymel GM. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (IJTMB): asecond-year retrospective reflecting Google Analytics and Open Journal Systems sources. Int J Ther Massage Bodywork . 2010;3(3):1–4. Published September 28, 2010. Accessed September 8, 2011.

13  Hymel GM. PubMed Central inclusion, Quertle indexing, outbound reference linking, and editorial board succession: encouraging developments in the IJTMB’s evolution. Int J Ther Massage Bodywork . 2011;4(1):1–2. Published March 30, 2011. Accessed September 8, 2011.
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